Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who Are You Jessie J?

   This spring new music is dominated by female pop stars. With Britney and Adele’s albums released last month. Gaga dropping singles left and right in the past three months. Even that annoying broad Beyonce released a single this month. But what I was really looking forward to was the U.S release of Jessie J’s album “Who We Are” on April 12th. The 23 year old British singer whose real name is Jessica Cornish. Has penned songs for various artists for years now. Including Miley Cyrus and Chris Brown, Party in the U.S.A being one of her more successful tracks. About her trip to L.A to record Who We Are. She was the first performer to perform on SNL without a US album release under her belt. 
   I’ve been following this girl for about a year and a half now, probably more. The album was released in the U.K months before it was here. I tried getting my hands on it. Harassing friends and my grands (who have arthritis) to go searching for it. When it dropped, I called my best friend up and said meet me at Best Buy. We both bought the album, an actual C.D. I haven’t bought one since the 90’s. I believe so much in her voice and her as an artist. The cover is a close up of her in all black, pointed black nails, black lipstick and vintage Chanel earrings. Everything I adore. The girl has a killer voice and impeccable style. Check out that perfectly coifed bob and neon nail varnish she sports so well. 
   The album is everything that I expected. I knew as a new artist she would be marketed as a pop star. The producing on most of the songs are very Beyoncefied. But there’s no denying that voice and the way she uses it. Its 13 well written tracks with a street edge. I heard the first single Do It Like A Dude acoustic before I heard the album version. After listening to that song on the album, I never listened to that version again. Its so over produced that it hides the strength of her voice. The intensity and passion is lost. The rest of the track list, perfection. I think the record company people wanted a sound that would be universal for a first single. 
   I’m listening to the album as I write this. The title track "Who You Are" is playing. My favorite line belts from my computer screen. “It’s okay not to be okay,” I nod my head with my eyes close. Few contemporary artists have that effect on me. The last time I did that was to Amy Winehouse’s Tears Dry On Their Own. I nod because I feel it, I understand what she means. The track “Who’s Laughing Now” is a fuck you anthem to all her naysayers. “But thank you for the pain. It made me raise my game. Have you forgotten how you made me feel? Dragging my spirit down.” She belts it out with an upbeat rhythm. The ballads “Nobody’s Perfect” and “Big White Room”, are about her being a fuck up in the relationship and being lost alone with pain. All the while using her voice to create such an eccentric melody. The toughest man would shed a tear in sympathy for her. The stuttering affect she does with her voice is exceptional on both songs. It brings the lyrics alive. 
   I’ve always been biased to British music. The Beatles, Bowie and of course Amy. This latest import has earned a spot in my heart. She calls all her fans heartbeats. I’m a proud heartbeat.-your Dealer.

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